In early 2012, I published Echo of Silence, the first book in the North Coast Mysteries series. Between then and mid-2016, four more novels and one novella followed, for a total of six books in that series. No beta or sensitivity readers. No editor, short of well-meaning and helpful friends and a complementary proofread on one book (maybe two? I forget) by a reviewer of the early books with an editor background. Please note that the first three were published within months of each other in 2012. To say it was all rushed would be an understatement.
While the core stories and characters of this series are ones I will always adore, the prose was riddled with inconsistencies, typos, and filter words that would be enough to make an editor cringe. Not to mention that looking back through the stories, I caught numerous problematic elements and themes that some good beta/sensitivity readers would have undoubtedly caught and called me on.
So, what's going to happen with this series? This series has characters in it I've been writing off and on since I was twelve in one form or another, so they are my babies and I will never completely abandon them. The series is getting new life breathed into it, but slowly. I'm reworking some of the problematic storylines and all six of the stories—including others I've worked on that never made it to publication (Eli may, or may not, have his own story...)—will be going through deep edits with a professional.
All our Cleveland Field Office faves will be back, with refreshed stories and a few brand new ones!—it just may take a couple years.